Hey welcome to my website!

I'm Rutger from the Youtube channel ''Easy 2 Play Music'' and I'm from the Netherlands.
I love making Guitar and Ukulele tutorials.
And my goal is to make it easy for you to play music.
About 10 years ago I start giving guitar lessons at home, and I really liked it.
To even help more people I have decided to start giving online lessons.
It's always great to see the improvement of students.
And I can't wait to see some of you getting better at you're Guitar/Ukulele playing.
So If this sounds good to you click the ''shop here'' button.
And I will see you in a Zoom call.

What do I offer?

A 30 Minute Lesson on Zoom

  • Of your choosing, we can pratice together on songs uploaded on my Youtube channel.
  • Uploaded more than 1.400 video's to YouTube to choose from
  • You get my help on playing the basic chords, and practice/learn the songs you like.

Who is it for?

  • For every beginner that feels stuck at there practice
  • The beginning of learning the Guitar/Ukulele can be really discouraging.
  • With some help and motivation from me you will get the hang of it.
  • You're never too old, everyone can learn it